Fitness Programs for Senior Living Facilities
Fitness in Senior Living Facilities
We know that as we age, we generally get frailer and experience a myriad of conditions and ailments that are related to getting older. As we age we lose muscle mass at about 3-5% per decade, which means our standard of daily living dramatically decreases. With this frailty, the risk of fall increases as well. Falls account for 70 percent of accidental deaths within people 75 years and older. The elderly, who represent 12 percent of the population, account for 75 percent of deaths from falls. There are also 35 other major ailments that are linked to lack of exercise.
How do we protect our aging population and improve their quality of life in senior living facilities?
The answer is simple: a regular exercise regimen. Starting a regular exercise regimen as part of regular elder care can lower fall risk by 21%, and exercising more than 3 hours per week can lower fall risk by up to 39%.
Regular exercise can greatly improve:
Cardiovascular health
Range of motion
Decrease Fall Risk
Improve strength
Our program is specially designed for seniors and working with eldercare professionals to help build seniors’ strength, improve their balance, and maintain healthy function of their body. Our high level trainers and yoga instructors are well versed in working with seniors and creating customized programs to meet their unique needs.